May 2018 - Your Journey to Being Whole (1)

This is the beginning of a series of articles on Wholeness where I intend to revisit my own journey and try to map my own personal growth onto a simple timeline... one that if you looked at it, you may be able to identify where you are and see where you have yet to go... to be Whole :) . . .

I have been writing here since 2011 when the idea of Wholeness suddenly started to take shape in my life after being a Kinesiologist for nearly a decade. Along the way I have shared my thoughts with you each month about ideas that have helped me grow and heal personally and professionally.... So let's begin....

Introduction: The Challenge of Wholeness Very early in my career as a Kinesiologist I was intrigued by the idea of Wholeness thinking that I knew what it meant and that as a trained energy professional with previous careers in Engineering and Sports Therapy. . . of course I was Whole! However having reached this landmark after, what I thought at the time, lengthy soul-searching and various spiritual workshops alongside regular meditation, I found myself on a life path far more real and challenging than I ever thought possible. A path which has taken me on a step-by-step journey of working with the energy patterns that we live and breathe, not only as individuals but the far more complex dynamic of relationships. . . those we have within and those we have with each other and our environment.

I think if I had known what was coming, I do not know if I would have stepped voluntarily onto this path! But this is the unknown of Life and we are built out of our choices and experience. Only when you begin to see and, more importantly, feel positive change do you start to trust your journey but even that feeling may be fleeting... until one day you look back and see how far you have come and know that for you it was the only way to now feel fulfilled and truly be yourself living your own life as you want it to be in synchronicity with everything around you.

I did not choose my path consciously but I was wrestling with inner discomfort and heartache and wanting desperately to know why and how to feel complete and secure and actually feel like I was building something of meaning. I had gained much experience, knowledge and confidence in myself and had travelled the world but still it took a growing connection to my spirituality that really set me on my inner journey of self-discovery. Events happened that meant I had to just dig in and follow my instincts; I could not plan a route through it because I had never faced it before. I found myself overwhelmed with the question “Why Me?” and “Why is this happening?” but at the same time was fascinated and terrified because I felt there was a purpose to it and it felt very real. It had happened at the right time; I had enough personal tools to keep me afloat and I did just that... used all my resources, developed them, gained insight and resolve, asked the difficult questions... and learnt about how the Energy of who we are forms and how we can empower ourselves to consciously shape our lives, lives that are truly ours in harmony with All That Is.

Wholeness?... is a moving Goalpost until you realise you feel peaceful inside and you are part of a beautiful orchestral World where we each have a place and a part to play in evolving the Whole.

'Your Journey to Being Whole' Series

> (1) Introduction

> (2) Realisation

> (3) Intention – Non-Judgement

> (4) Intention – Non-Interference

> (5) Intention – Empowering Relationships

> (6) The Healing Journey

> (7) The Inner Work

> (8) Attuning Your Life

> (9) Realising Who You Are

Contact Josie @ Heal Your Puzzle

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