June 2020 - Choice… Is it Free or Limited?

During the CoViD-19 Pandemic, I was on furlough and took the opportunity to get long-awaited jobs done around my home and garden and also enjoy precious time with my family at home and via video chat. What a gift to not have my usual mad-paced life, a gift of time to reevaluate priorities, values, what I enjoy, and what and who is important to me. Even if it was stressful or sad for you, you will have paused for thought and been affected in some way.

Did you Review your Life Journey over this time? I was drawn to reviewing my writings and their themes, going right back to the start of them in 2011, and realised that a common thread is about Choice… what influences us, what limits us, our level of awareness of our freedom to choose, how we self-adapt, how we protect ourselves and others, how we self-develop and/or maintain the status quo… And what we choose to face and how we and our psyches are clever at avoidance too! Have you got a common theme to your Life? A block you cannot get past? A dream you still have or have given up on? Your Life Choices become limited?

Back in 2018… my work came more into focus, looking at Being Whole and how you can choose to shape your life into something empowering for both yourself and your relationships with everything.

2019… moved into more focused discussions about Choice and becoming aware that certain choices or perspectives no longer feel right, new ones start to form, realisations occur. You begin to connect with your Chi, the actual truth of your life, and let go of patterns that have prevented you seeing a new way forward. Working with Chi shows you Yourself and the ability to really start to Re-Empower who you actually are. My appreciation of Chi changed over this time and brought me into a deeper relationship with myself… through experience and integrating knowledge! I began to see what was shaping and influencing my choices and my experiences which brings us into…

2020… CoViD-19 Pandemic happened! Suddenly the whole world was sharing a common experience! Usual routines stopped and we had time to Choose, time to become aware of who we are without distractions, time to actually face ourselves, be ourselves… reestablish our personal space and identity. Life moves us through cycles of experience (as in the picture), some far too repetitive, upsetting or frustrating, because we cannot just BE the person we are. We have to gain experience, review and revise… until one day something changes and we move into a different gear … process our energy more quickly… sit for a moment, pause… observe our thoughts and processes…. and a solution finds itself! “Aha! That’s more Me!” Done in an instant rather than years! Another piece of your personal puzzle understood. Your Life moves forward.

Contact Josie @ Heal Your Puzzle

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Available: 1 Hour, 1/2 Hour, Individual or Couple, In Person at Clinic or Online :)

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