Dec 2012 - Your 'A to B' for the coming year... How much do you want to Achieve or Heal?

With the New Year just around the corner, it is natural to review your past year and think about what you look forward to in the next. It may have been a particularly challenging year because of the pivotal nature of 2012 in our current phase of evolution as Humans and as a Planet; to some it may have felt overwhelming particularly in the last 3 or 4 months but to others, it may have been a year like any other. This is the fundamental choice we all have: whether to engage with what's going on around us and to what extent. It is also a choice to face personal issues and heal them or set goals and achieve them. Everything has its time and its place and some issues are not yet ready to be dealt with but we can choose to set our goals whenever we like.

The picture shows possible paths for the life cycle of a problem or project going from A (where you are now) to B (your Goal). It does not always happen as we wish or intend and will depend somewhat on its scale, its history and often your tenacity. In subtle healing terms, when a goal is set, a path will be created to give the experience and knowledge needed to reach B. Some paths are easy, some are overwhelming but this is all part of the journey and a goal may need to be updated as new learning is gained.
The 'Lifetime Path' is a very gentle path over a very long period of time where growth and change are very slow.
The 'Years Path' could be spread over a decade or two and may be a very challenging time but where much experience is gained and events may be repeated until a way through them is found that suits you.
The 'Weeks Path' is the most direct and the most challenging and does require support but change occurs rapidly and the necessary experience and knowledge is gained very quickly. It is a path where you will probably come across a black hole or two and endure 'Dark nights of the Soul' but your Goal will be closer than ever before and you could have a lifetime to enjoy it.
We are living in a time of rapid development socially and technologically and are on the 'Weeks Path', sometimes without knowing it. This is why we feel challenged at this time in history and why there are more extremes of weather and more extreme financial and political problems. Keep focusing on a positive, fulfilling future goal and keep it with you in your Heart.

For further info click >  Your 'A to B' (Part 2) - Connecting with Higher Personal Goals 'Outside Your Box' 

Contact Josie @ Heal Your Puzzle

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